How effective is Paediatric behavioural therapy for autism?

How effective is Paediatric behavioural therapy for autism?

Paediatric behavioural therapy is an effective method for managing behaviour issues in children with special needs. Children may also experience difficulties following instructions or expressing themselves, which makes it hard for them to socialize. Paediatric behavioural therapy can build and strengthen effective coping mechanisms. The therapy focuses on replacing undesirable behavioural patterns with healthy ways. This is very helpful for autism spectrum disorders.

If you feel that your child could benefit from cognitive behavioural therapy, you can consult our behavioural therapy specialists in Dubai. Our behavioural therapist will interact with your child and trains your child to engage in daily chores and equips the child with vital life skills. Another important factor is that our behaviour therapist help parents understand the different challenges faced by the child and prevent them from having unrealistic perceptions about the condition or overburdening the child.

Understanding What Behavioural Therapy Is

Through cognitive-behavioural therapy, children and parents gain a better understanding of the difficulties experienced by the child. This type of therapy teaches an array of coping skills to help children manage emotional distress. This can also help the child to manage the physical symptoms, negative thoughts, and problematic behaviours that often accompany this type of distress.

Typically, behavioural and speech-language therapies are the foundation of the intervention. However, there is no single therapy that works across the board for all children. However Behavioural therapy is still the most proven approach for children with autism.

What are the behaviours of Autism?

The following are some of the behaviours seen in children with autism:

  • Unusual or inappropriate body language
  • Lack of eye contact
  • Not liking being touched
  • Delayed speech
  • Repeating words or phrases without communicative intent
  • Repetitive movements like rocking back and forth
  • Limited topic of interest
  • Tendency to strictly stick to routines
  • Being upset always
  • Hyper- or hypo-reactivity
  • Odd ways of moving

How does Paediatric Behavioural Therapy work?

The best way to determine the approach is to make a logical plan. We have specialized Paediatric speech therapy services in Dubai which includes a specific behavioural therapy plan that is flexible in terms of monitoring process and adjusted when needed. Here are a few cognitive behavioural therapy activities that will help your child get the skills they need:

Cognitive restructuring: Our therapists will ask the child about their thought processes in different situations to identify negative patterns. Then these patterns will be reframed into more positive and productive thoughts.

Exposure therapy: Our therapist will guide the child to deal with the fear or anxiety by slowly exposing the child to the things that evoke those feelings. This will make the child less vulnerable and more confident in their coping skills.

Activity scheduling: Sometimes children with autism avoid certain activities due to fear or anxiety. In this case, we make a good routine, making them more likely to follow each tasks at regular intervals.

Relaxation techniques: We provide children with relaxation techniques like deep breathing exercises, mindfulness, imagery, muscle relaxation, etc. which will help lower their stress anxieties and phobias.

Role-playing: This is another great technique for children to boost their communication skills and face challenging situations. Playing out scenarios in advance can help reduce the fear. By this, they can also improve their problem solving skills and help the child gain confidence in dealing with certain situations.

Benefits of Paediatric behaviour therapy

Consistent and long-term therapy could yield very positive results in children. These are:-

  • Language development
  • Intellectual functioning
  • Social functioning
  • Daily life skills

Relevant research and experiments suggest behavioural therapy could give good results for children with Autism. But the process takes time and patience, along with lots of love and support for your little ones.

Every child is different and unique. So it is important to consult with behavioural therapy specialists in Dubai to expand behavioural needs.  At RAAGA Speech therapy Centre Dubai, our therapists will work with you and help you identify your child’s indifferent thinking styles and help them gain insight to overcome their unusual routines.  We support your children in every stages and aid in their overall development and wellbeing.