Speech Therapy

Speech therapy starts with the assessment and treatment of communication problems and speech disorders.  It is performed by speech-language pathologists (SLPs).   Speech therapy is provided to both children of all ages and adults who have speech and language problems.

How to find if there is a Speech and Language disorder?

Speech is how we use sounds and words.  Speech includes Articulation, Voice and Fluency. Articulation is how we make speech sounds using the mouth, lips and tongue.
Voice is how we use our vocal folds and breath to make sounds. Fluency simply is the rhythm of our speech, the accuracy speed and proper expression of language.

Language refers to the words we use, how we use them to share ideas and get what we want.  Language represents thoughts and ideas which can be communicated in spoken, written and signed forms.

 Language consists of 3 major components form, content, and use. Form means or includes the building blocks of language such as grammar(morphology), sentences (syntax) and sound awareness (phonological awareness).

Any impairment of difficulty in areas of speech or language requires intervention to improve the quality of communication. Usually the impairments are categorized as difficulties in

It is found that in children with Speech language impairment, has limited vocabularies, poor comprehension, and weak phonological awareness skills. It is noticed that such problems are eminent and secondary to Autism, ADHD, mental Retardation, Stammering, Cerebral Palsy Stroke etc.

Apart from the issues mentioned above Swallowing disorders are also managed by a Speech Pathologist. Other modes of speech Therapy like Augmentative Alternative Communication, Oral placement therapy and Prompt Therapy are all methods handled by a Speech Pathologists to improve speech and language in a child or an adult.

In Raaga we begin with a detailed assessment to find more about the problem of the child or the client. Then a case plan is developed according to the need and requirement of the child. From there on our Speech pathologist starts the therapy using this plan. We believe in transparency; hence parents or family is also welcome to get involved in various sessions to help the child to improve both in clinical and home settings. A monthly progress assessment is done to monitor the progress of the child and the family is informed about the progress of the Plan.

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Building confidence, One Child at a Time
